Head Office

6379 Valmont Rd, Boulder, CO 80301



◆ Septic work – Instal & Repair
◆ Gravel – Sand, Gravel, & Top Soil
◆ Road Construction
◆ Foundations
◆ Demo work – Demo & Site Grading
◆ Concrete Pads
◆ Removal of concrete & asphalt
◆ Ponds
◆ Grading

Repair shop

◆ Four Wheelers to Dozers
◆ Oil changes
◆ Brakes
◆ Transmissions
◆ Engines
◆ Tires
◆ Trailer Repair (including New decking, lift gates repair, brakes, axels,
welding repairs)
◆ RV Repair (*no interior work)
◆ Road Side Emergency

Welding & Fabrication

Welding on trucks, trailers, and specialty fabrication. We make truck rails, rebuild trailers, weld on boxes, lift gates, and steps on trailers. We can also weld little add-ons to trailers and trucks.


Hauling of aggregate, equipment, and other large hauling needs. Low boy work.

◆ Large Equipment hauling across front range

Large Acreage Mowing

Mowing with tractors and zero-turn mowers


Snow Removal

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◆ Limited snow removal services


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